Monday 31 May 2010

'Its Genetic' - Assessment Exhibition.

So, I finally managed to get my installation piece sorted. After having to build an extra wall, re-paint the whole room, collect a lot of items to fill it, and screw alot of screws into the wall by hand. But it was all worth it in the end, or I hope it was anyway.
Here are a few images of the installation.

These are the flower presses that I found at the recycling centre, they are so beautifull that I had to incorporate them somehow. The time and effort that someone has gone to, to create them all is just awe inspiring.

These are the harlequin ladybirds, I have pinned them all to an old map of england, like they used to do with butterflies.

This is an old map of Bath and the surrounding areas. I have sewn in my walking routes and pinned the places where I found all the items in the installation.

There will be more photos on their way...

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